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Telepathy: Communicating With Other Minds and The Universe

Updated on September 7, 2011

Is Telepathy Possible From Far Distances?

Telepathy, often referred to as Extra-Sensory perception, can be described as mind to mind communication. It is a silent language of thoughts, carried out by communication between two people. It is known to deal with thought transmission from one person to another. There are no boundaries of distance in order for a telepathic communication to succeed. As a matter of fact, the more harmonious a relationship is between two people, the better the chance of them having a successful telepathic communication, whether it be one mile away, or three thousand miles away! Telepathic success was achieved in bio-communication from Moscow to Tomsk, a distance of almost three thousand miles! This proves that telepathic communication from a distance is possible.

Telepathy is a form of energy and it travels instantly. They are thought waves, and thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space. Some people hold the belief that telepathy can travel faster than the speed of light. As a matter of fact, if you take a look at the law of thinking, you will learn that our thoughts travel at the speed 186,000 miles per second! That means that your thought travels 930,000 times faster than the sound of your voice! This also means, that your thoughts flash around the world within a second! Our thoughts are power, and they will always produce effect. Every human being is capable of doing this.

In order for a successful telepathic communication to happen, an inner state of relaxation must be reached. The brain has to be at the Alpha frequency, in order to utilize telepathy, which is also known as the “sixth sense.” You can find brain wave entertainment audios for tapping into your alpha frequency at or at Make sure you use headphones and a room where you won’t be disturbed. ESP and telepathic awareness is determined by the amount of Alpha mind frequency achieved by different persons. They found that the lowest amount of cortical emission produced the greatest potential of ESP. Alpha frequency ranges from 12 to 8 cycles per second. Here are three other states including Alpha:

Beta- 26 to 12 cycles per second. Reflective of outer awareness and normal conscious mental activity.

Alpha- 12 to 8 cycles per second. Shows heightened creativity and inner consciousness.

Theta- 8 to 4 cycles per second- Allows deeper levels of meditation and recall.

Delta- 4 to 0 cycles per second. Reflective of inner levels of consciousness and deep sleep or total outer unconsciousness.

In order for a successful telepathic communication you must do the following.

  1. You must be in harmony with yourself.
  2. Telepathy needs an environment of belief and faith. It does not function well in an environment of doubt and disbelief.
  3. The mind must be cleared completely before attempting telepathy.
  4. To be a good sender, you must send out your thought with intense force.
  5. To be a good receiver, you must be passive, quiet, and relaxed.

Not only can telepathy be used for mind to mind communications, it can also be used to communicate with the universe what you want. Let’s say you have a list of your top 10 goals for the next 3 months, written out and defined clearly with detail. What you want to do with that list is re-write your goals first thing in the morning and just before bed. Why at these times you ask? It’s due to the fact that at these times you’re in your alpha mind frequency and your not competing as much with other people’s mind frequencies. Why re-write your top 10 goals? Then your subconscious mind (it never stops working) picks up on these goals and you start working towards those goals. Since your subconscious mind picks up on your top 10 goals, it communicates this telepathically to the universe and you begin to attract things that are the pathways to your goals! Remember to STAY FLEXIBLE. Sometimes it’s going to seem like it’s working against you. It’s not. As long as you arrive at your goals, what does it matter? Those “bad things” that happened are not going to matter anymore. Oh yeah, one more thing. Your subconscious also loves working to accomplish things by dates. So make time lines and don’t make them anymore then 3 months. Don’t be scared! Do it! You’ll be amazed what happens when you commit!

Remember, fear and doubt are the enemies of confidence and belief. Acceptance and belief are the major factors for a successful telepathic experience. “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” -Lao Tzu


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